Even Funnier!

Last week Eppy the Babe Hound posted that we’re having a “blog war“. I would like to clarify that nobody is being threatened with physical harm. I’m not wishing any evil on Todd or Caheidelwatsit for their contrary views. They have lower standards in music than most of us cool kids over here at SouthDacola, and they contribute to what’s wrong with the music scene in Sioux Falls and the surrounding areas.

And for the record Cory, I DO think that Janitor Blob is a bunch of media whores. Whore might not be the right word, but I’d like to see how much $ actually gets donated to charity, as opposed to how many cheeseburgers Pat invests in with his share. (For the record, I’ve had great times at Janitor Blob concerts.. 15 years ago. I’m just not paying a $20 cover to see furniture salesmen plow through Happy Song, even if it is in the name of cancer research.)

11 Thoughts on “Open Thread: Blogger Epp REJOICES in the murder of Rock & Roll.

  1. l3wis on June 9, 2009 at 6:36 am said:

    I have always had fun at Janitor Bob concerts. And Pat is not so bad, I actually liked working for him at the Brickhouse. Yeah, he may be a bullshitter, but at least it is entertaining. Boring liars piss me off.

  2. Angry Guy:

    Are there any local bands you like? And what’s wrong with promoting your band? I also like DNR. I guess I’m a complete moron as well as a sexist pig.

    Todd Epp
    Middle Border Sun

  3. l3wis on June 9, 2009 at 7:23 am said:


    I don’t think you are sexist, just a pervert like me.

    “I’m a complete moron”

    Well, you are a fan of Springsteen, I’m just saying.

  4. Windsor:

    Those are fightin’ words! How dare you defile the Church of Bruce. But I can’t get into it with you right now about Springsteen. I have an angry horde of women in front of my house with pitchforks I’m dealing with.

    I also like U2, REM, and Beck. Is there no hope for me? 😉


  5. hossenpheffer on June 9, 2009 at 10:58 am said:


  6. l3wis on June 9, 2009 at 11:06 am said:

    Van Zandt is pretty rocking, it’s just too bad he plays with Bruce.

    Isn’t DNR the band that the Krebs twins are in?

    Yawn is right.

  7. Ghost of Dude on June 9, 2009 at 11:29 am said:

    The only Van Zandt I’m a fan of is Townes. And he’s dead.

  8. Windsor, I admit, I’ll never be as hip as you.

  9. l3wis on June 9, 2009 at 12:18 pm said:

    I’m short, fat, grumpy and opinioniated, but not hip. I do occasionally have cool music playing on my I-pod, but that doesn’t make me hip.

  10. Angry Guy on June 9, 2009 at 12:33 pm said:

    “Are there any local bands you like?”
    Yes. Lots.

    “And what’s wrong with promoting your band?”
    Nothing as long as you aren’t a egotistical douche about it.

    “I also like DNR. I guess I’m a complete moron as well as a sexist pig.”
    Uhh… I’ll let that one go.

  11. EggBert on June 14, 2009 at 4:17 pm said:

    Dear FireFlyFans:

    Watching this beautiful, touching tribute to our home town brought my family and I to frantic cheers. When we caught a wonderful glimpse of our beloved Mayorless Munchkin, Granny Gumption burst out into tears. Then she dropped to her knees, gestured a few Hail Marthas, and thanked the Good Lord that the ZombieWalkBabyKillFest wasn’t included…


    EggBert & Sioux Falls Legion Anti-Zombie members

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