
Argus journalists are not even qualified to review fried chicken

Okay, I’m not going to defend UnoBologna. I could have told the reviewer that the food would be bland and ‘zestless’. What do you expect out of a Lebonese/French man making $6 calozones? Not exactly an Italian gourmet chef. But what irks me is how tasteless their reviews are. Take this part for instance;

I always enjoyed going to Uno Tomato for lunch – it was nearby, and the prices were good.


So, I was happy to see it reopened in a new location downtown, as UnoZoni Italian Kitchen. Unfortunately for them, however, it’s a few blocks south of the new Taste of the Big Red Apple restaurant.


If you want quick but just-decent Italian, you can get it at UnoZoni. But if you want homemade, authentic Italian, with a glass of wine to boot, Taste of the Big Red Apple wins.

Okay? WTF? Was this a review of Uno or a review of Big Red? I could understand mentioning a restaurant in another city for comparison, but one that is only three blocks away? Who edited this piece of shit review? What a bunch of garbage. I hope Ted calls the Gargoyle and chews ass. I also suggest he does what the Touch of Europe did a few years back, banned Argus journalists from eating in the place. I also find it an incredible conflict of interest to have a person who works at another popular downtown restaurant as a waitress writing food reviews. But we know the Gargoyle threw their code of ethics out the window years ago.

BTW- I have ate at The Big Red. I can sum it up quickly. The pizza was fantastic, but more midwestern then Italian, but the service was slow, the tables were dirty, the ambiance was shit and the place was cramped. It reminded me of a gas station deli eating area. I would suggest carry-out only.

By l3wis

10 thoughts on “The Gargoyle Leader really needs to quit doing food reviews. Seriously.”
  1. I love the pizza at Big Apple. Never had a problem with slow service or dirty tables. Also – eat outside if it’s nice out. Much better.

    To me, it sounds like UnoZoni is trying to be everything to everyone with a menu that size. Compared with other local places (TOE, and Big Apple come to mind) a 90 item menu is asking for either kitchen problems, or a very boring selection all made from the same four basic ingredients (unless, of course, the Argus critic counted all the ‘make your own’ pizza options individually).

    At least this review wasn’t written by Dorene Weinstein or Janna Farley. I only counted one use of the word “yummy” and no “gooey” or “piping hot”.

  2. Ted isn’t in the biz anymore. Kids bought him out. I predict Unozoni will go tits up in the next 2 years, just like every other food joint at that location.

  3. I kind of liked the BBQ place down there. Unfortunately, that’s way too much square footage for the amount of traffic that comes through. That place needs to be either a live music club that serves lunch during the day, or cut up into two restaurants that will feed off eachother’s traffic.

  4. I think the basement would make a great live music venue. The audio recording we made down there of the Color of Sound is fantastic and it hasn’t been edited or tweaked.

  5. Dude and L3wis are dead on correct.

    We need another spot like that badly for Live music.

    Janitor Bob reuniting really reminds me of the high water mark of downtown. You could park your car, walk from the Pomp to the Limelight to Jacme and for a while the Mad Hatter. You could hang at Skellys or After Five for starters. End of the night you could grab a hot dog from the cart and watch the fucksticks who never get laid pick fights with each other.

    Good times.

  6. You’re right hoss, I just like the idea of walking from one spot to the other until you find whatever you’re after.

    tru dat l3wis, forgot about them.

  7. Where did the street food vendors go? That’s one thing I’d like to see more of downtown. If you’re there after about 9:00, there’s nothing to eat. Street vendors would be one great addition, but a late night cafe that serves greasy breakfast food would be nice too. For some reason, breakfast does the best job of soaking up alcohol.
    It would also probably cut down on people driving home drunk.

  8. Pedi-cabs downtown would be nice. I’m sure the city would sic the citations mafia on them and it could never happen.
    I’ve been to Grille 26. Went last weekend when every restaurant in town was full of soccer people. I always have the walleye dish so I’m not qualified to rank them. The service is fabulous. The atmosphere is open. You can usually get a table within 5 minutes.

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