South DaCola

The Hypocrisy and Irony of the Tea Baggers continues


Yesterday while I am watching my favorite Sunday comedy show, KCPO’s the FACTS(?), I couldn’t help thinking to myself, who believes this guy? Not the host, but their monthly visitor, Dr.(?) Allen Unruh. He can tell five lies in a single sentence without taking a breath.

The topic of the show was national healthcare, and as you can imagine, Allen is enraged over it. In fact he is so mad that he is hosting a rally at the Fairgrounds where he is bringing in a bunch of speakers (who have made millions off of for-profit healthcare) to speak about how terrible socialized medicine would be (for their pocketbooks).

I’ll admit, it was one of Unruh’s funniest diatribes in a long time. I almost watched the rerun of the show last night just so I could get in a few more laughs. Of course, Allen couldn’t resist bringing up liberty and justice, blah, blah, blah. But the real jist of what he was saying was that people don’t have a right to healthcare unless they can afford it. He blames the government (medicare/medicade) for driving up healthcare costs on the rest of us. Yeah, Allen, it has nothing to do with insurance companies and pharma companies making billions in profits.

But, it gets better. I was searching for the website that has all the featured speakers at his ‘rally’ and I found this site. How ironic that the tea baggers are asking you to donate to their cause – sounds kind of socialistic to me.

What a bunch of hypocrites. It you weren’t so pathetically funny, I might be upset about all of your bullshit.

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