A few days ago I did a sketch of this infamous box my neighbor insists on not picking up for 3 months and last week he mowed around it. I decided to take a closer look to see if maybe the box was covering a hole or something. Nope. It is an empty box of a three-piece frying pan set. I’m afraid to pick it up, there may be something living under it that will bite me.

By l3wis

13 thoughts on “The mowed around box – Part II”
  1. God help us. The next time he mows I’m going to take a picture of him mowing around the box. Of course it won’t probably be until around the end of August. It’s like cutting alfalfa with him, 3-4 cuttings a summer, good enough.

  2. I don’t know what the big deal is, I’ve always found it kinda pleasing and appropriate to keep the area around a box nicely trimmed.

    It’s all just window dressing anyway, like you pointed out the mystery is, and always will be, the box.

  3. That’s one less spot he has to mow. The grass under that box is probably dead by now.

  4. Sy – somewhere on these vast intersets is a picture of an incredibly appropriate tattoo that goes along with your post. If I can dig it up I’ll send it to your non-work e-mail.

  5. l3wis:

    Sure, but you may have to pickup the pile of Shopping News first.

    In my yard the dog shit get picked up before the Shopping News, as the dog shit has more value.

  6. You better be careful, I’m Sure Kay could probably shoot a slingshot at your office window under the cover of his carport.

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