South DaCola

The South will rise again, in South Dakota



I missed this Gargoyle Leader

story from Saturday. It seems we have quite a bit in common with our southern states like West Virginia and Mississippi, and it isn’t corn fed, barefoot and pregnant women with bad teeth either;

Adding to the state’s business-friendly climate is a work force that accepts relatively low wages: Only Mississippi and West Virginia workers are paid a lower median hourly wage than South Dakota’s $12.82.

Woo-Hoo, eat that West Virginia! We rank 48th for once instead of 50th! Who is drinking more Old Milwaukee now – Suckers! And guess what else? We work harder for less. Nanner, Nanner, Nanner! Let’s get the word out so more cheap-ass corporations come here and take advantage of us;

Taxes are important but probably aren’t the top priority for people looking to do business in the state, said Mark Slade, regional director of the Small Business Development Center in Sioux Falls.

Businesses are drawn by the state’s cheap labor, strong work ethic and state economic development officials who are accessible and responsive, he said. But low taxes do encourage people to start their own businesses.

Duh, Duh, and Duh. Taxes aren’t shit when compared to labor costs. Just another thing us South Dakotans can be proud of, working too much for too little.

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