
Iran’s new President, and he isn’t wearing a ‘Member’s Only’ jacket.

When I turned on my version of Sunday sports events to sports fans (the Sunday political shows) this morning, I was very disappointed, but not surprised. The topic, in between pharma commercials and right wing anti-healthcare reform was that somehow a revolution was coming to Iran and Universal Healthcare for Americans would destroy the country.


First off, I’m not going to rant forever, afterall, that’s why I have Eggbert as a contributor, but I will say this, it doesn’t matter if Mickey Mouse was the president of Iran, the country is ran by a theocratic dictator not a president. And unless the people rise up and overthrow him in the name of democracy, things will be exactly the same tomorrow.

And secondly, I find all of the negative news coverage of universal healthcare not surprising. Who funds media? Pharma, hospitals and insurance companies. Without them they have no advertisers. Just look at our local TV station, KELOSANFORDLAND-TV, Why would they cheerlead socialized medicine? Seriously?

I’ll have to say, this week in politics has been a wash, unless you count Ironic Johnny walking over the body of one of his fellow Republicans to take advantage of an opportunity that was handed to him on the back of a cheating whore.

11 Thoughts on “This week’s observation: Iran and Universal Healthcare

  1. jacksmith on June 21, 2009 at 6:11 pm said:


    It’s official. America and the World are now in a GLOBAL PANDEMIC. A World EPIDEMIC with potential catastrophic consequences for ALL of the American people. The first PANDEMIC in 41 years. And WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES will have to face this PANDEMIC with the 37th worst quality of healthcare in the developed World.


    We spend over twice as much of our GDP on healthcare as any other country in the World. And Individual American spend about ten times as much out of pocket on healthcare as any other people in the World. All because of GREED! And the PRIVATE FOR PROFIT healthcare system in America.

    And while all this is going on, some members of congress seem mostly concern about how to protect the corporate PROFITS! of our GREED DRIVEN, PRIVATE FOR PROFIT NATIONAL DISGRACE. A PRIVATE FOR PROFIT DISGRACE that is in fact, totally valueless to the public health. And a detriment to national security, public safety, and the public health.

    Progressive democrats and others should stand firm in their demand for a robust public option for all Americans, with all of the minimum requirements progressive democrats demanded. If congress can not pass a robust public option with at least 51 votes and all robust minimum requirements, congress should immediately move to scrap healthcare reform and demand that President Obama declare a state of NATIONAL HEALTHCARE EMERGENCY! Seizing and replacing all PRIVATE FOR PROFIT health insurance plans with the immediate implementation of National Healthcare for all Americans under the provisions of HR676 (A Single-payer National Healthcare Plan For All).

    Coverage can begin immediately through our current medicare system. With immediate expansion through recruitment of displaced workers from the canceled private sector insurance industry. Funding can also begin immediately by substitution of payroll deductions for private insurance plans with payroll deductions for the national healthcare plan. This is what the vast majority of the American people want. And this is what all objective experts unanimously agree would be the best, and most cost effective for the American people and our economy.

    In Mexico on average people who received medical care for A-H1N1 (Swine Flu) with in 3 days survived. People who did not receive medical care until 7 days or more died. This has been the same results in the US. But 50 million Americans don’t even have any healthcare coverage. And at least 200 million of you with insurance could not get in to see your private insurance plans doctors in 2 or 3 days, even if your life depended on it. WHICH IT DOES!

    Contact congress and your representatives NOW! AND SPREAD THE WORD!

    God Bless You

    Jacksmith – WORKING CLASS

  2. Warren Phear on June 22, 2009 at 4:16 am said:

    And secondly, I find all of the negative news coverage of universal healthcare not surprising. Who funds media? Pharma, hospitals and insurance companies. Without them they have no advertisers. Just look at our local TV station, KELOSANFORDLAND-TV, Why would they cheerlead socialized medicine? Seriously?


    You forgot to mention the Gargoyle Leader. They have had years to do a journalism job on the predatory practices of First Premier Bankcard. EVERYONE who reads the Argus should be as familiar with the term “fee harvesting” as they are with the Argus term “Sanford generosity”, or his picture on the front page every other day. I’m guessin one in ten thousand can define “fee harvesting”, certainly not from reading their paper. I’m also guessin the names T Denny Sanford, Kelby “Krabs” Krabbenhoft, Dana Dykehouse, and Miles Beacom are on the Argus Leaders Wall of Shame….I mean Fame.

  3. l3wis on June 22, 2009 at 6:18 am said:

    I think the MSM is worse on this topic then they are on the runup to the war in Iraq. It is like they are simply ignoring that a super majority of Americans support National Healthcare and are willing to pay higher taxes for it. When Lindsey ‘Fuck Face Liar’ Graham was asked about the NY Times poll that said 72% of Americans support National Healthcare and 57% are willing to pay higher taxes for it. He basically said those people didn’t understand what was being proposed. Hey, Lindsey, they don’t care, Americans are tired of taking it in the ass for insurance that doesn’t cover shit.

  4. Ghost of Dude on June 22, 2009 at 6:36 am said:

    He’s right, they don’t understand what’s being proposed.
    It isn’t a single-payer system, it’s basically McCain’s plan with a few tweaks.
    They’re also trying to take down the distribution system of private insurance so you’ll be talking directly to insurance companies instead of talking to an agent who can do all the legwork of shopping around, filling out paperwork, and jumping through hoops for you.

  5. l3wis on June 22, 2009 at 6:48 am said:

    I don’t expect it to get passed and it will be the biggest flop of Obama’s first term.

  6. Randall on June 22, 2009 at 7:53 am said:

    We Americans absolutely DO understand and want Universal Health Care.

    Whenever a Lindsey Graham or other talking head is on the tube reciting Republican ( Frank Luntz) anti-health care talking points, there should be a great big white sub-title beneath their gibbering face showing exactly how much money they’ve taken from the Health Industrial Complex.

    And that goes for sell-out Democrats too: everytime they’re on TV talking about some half-assed bullshit alternatives to single-payer, such as a co-op, we should also see how much MONEY they’ve taken from the health insurance lobby.

  7. l3wis on June 22, 2009 at 8:23 am said:

    All the while they are getting 100% coverage on our dime. Can you imagine what Johnson’s cost would have been for all the surgery and therapy he went through if he would have had to pay for it? Over a million I bet.

  8. Plaintiff Guy on June 22, 2009 at 9:05 am said:

    The bottom income brackets deserve some kind of health care. It can be inferior but at least people will not lose all their assets and die in the streets. I’ve had 8 major surgeries in as many years that kept me broke even with health care. Considering copays and deductables, insurance isn’t that valuable. In my case, they escalated premiums 8% each quarter until I couldn’t afford it. If you need them, they price you out. If you go to the hospital without insurance, they bill you 4X the amount and expect not to be paid so they can write down other profit. I qualify for and now use the VA. I am more satisfied than I was with private. The VA would be a good mold for a government sponsered health care system.

  9. l3wis on June 22, 2009 at 11:34 am said:

    “The VA would be a good mold for a government sponsered health care system.”

    I have also heard that from other Veterans who use it. I also think that the SD VA is a lot better than in other parts of the country, so we are lucky.

  10. Ghost of Dude on June 22, 2009 at 11:53 am said:

    The SD VA does a good job, but I’ve heard too many horror stories about other VA hospitals and care to advocate a similar system for everyone.
    A single payer sytem that everyone is part of would make sense – especially if it was administered at the state level. It’s best to allow people to choose the doctor they want to see and let them decide on care.

  11. l3wis on June 22, 2009 at 12:15 pm said:

    “It’s best to allow people to choose the doctor they want to see and let them decide on care.” That’s why I would probably support a government insurance over socialized medicine. I don’t have a problem with paying for it, as long as I have 100% coverage and doctor choice.

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