By l3wis

11 thoughts on “Yeah, and I’m the sexist pervert”
  1. How much money you have in the bank Warren? I think we need to open a Carl’s Jr. Franchise.

    BTW – I date ‘fist girl’ not fun at all.

    I also see ‘Chad’ from the Alltel commercials is quite the perv.

  2. Zkota Grille is the same company as Carl’s Jr. and Hardees. For some reason, they just have a different name.
    Also, no ‘six-dollar burger’. I miss Carl’s Jr…

  3. Dude, Z-kota’s used to be Hardee’s, but the guy who owned the franchises for the area decided a few years ago he was tired of paying the 6% a year so he let his franchise agreement expire.

    He basically came up (of paid a consultant to come up) with the same thing, but under a different name that relates to the State.

    If you had a million $$ in liquidity and a burning desire to flip burgers, you could grab the Carls/Hardee’s franchise tomorrow and open up across the street if you wanted to.

    I miss Hardee’s though…got love that “Fuck low-fat” attitude.

  4. As for the further erosion of tact in advertising, I wonder how long it will be before we see an ad of the King ass-raping Wendy in a toilet stall screaming “Who’s the man, bitch!!”

  5. Ah….sorry GoD – that is incorrect. The owner of Zkota used to own the Hardees franchise, but when Hardees decided to stop selling chicken and he knew chicken accounted for around 45% of his sales, he decided to drop Hardees as a franchise and go his own way.

    Therefore Zkota is just a name he invented and he owns all of them including three in Sioux Falls and one in Brookings. He sold off one of the old Hardees that wasn’t doing as well and that is now the location of Dollar Loan Center I believe.

    You are correct about Carls Jr being the same as Hardees however – those are both owned by CKE. They bought up Hardees back in the late 90s and rebranded them a tad but kept the name because it was familiar in the midwest and on the East coast. If you head West Hardees doesn’t exist but a Carls Jr can be found in practically every city.

    I’m just amazed that nobody in Sioux Falls has bought up rights to the franchise and opened a new Hardees in the area. I’m not sure CKE would allow a Carl’s Jr. in the Midwest though – for some reason they want to keep the two sames segregated.

  6. I miss Hardee’s though…

    I had the same feeling a while back so I stopped at the Hardees in Sioux City on my way through.

    It was descent, but it was obvious the store hadn’t been updated since the 80s and I’m not sure it has been cleaned since 2002. Either way the food hasn’t changed much… they still are on a mission to see how much fat and calories they can cram into a single bun.

  7. I’m not sure CKE would allow a Carl’s Jr. in the Midwest though – for some reason they want to keep the two sames segregated.

    They’re pretty popular in Oklahoma. Depending on who you talk to there, OK is either in the midwest, southwest, or south – or they just call it north Texas.
    They used to put coupons for a free combo meal on the back of football and mens b-ball tickets. College kids would flock to free food (or beer) like bugs to a zapper.

  8. I like the ad from Idiocracy:

    “Carl’s Jr. – Fuck you, I’m eating!”

    …brought to you by Carl’s Jr.

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