This is from last Thursday at Nutty’s North. Castle and Scorpion Child played. This is the lead singer of SC belting it out (Photo: Bill Thompson)


This is I with the two blondes from Australia (Josie and Hayley). I didn’t even know they served red wine in Nutty’s? (Photo Bill Thompson). BTW, my new saying is “I’m in a pickle”


Okay, this is really a belated photo from New Year’s Eve, but I love the artistic contrast of the neon lights in the background (whatever) (Photo Mike Fleming)


12 Thoughts on “Belated Photo postings and such

  1. hosepheffer on July 26, 2009 at 10:33 am said:

    More debauchery to follow, the girls will be here Monday for the harrisburg show.
    You should call Turk at the Phoenix to make sure he has the wine…

  2. Plaintiff Guy on July 26, 2009 at 8:31 pm said:

    2nd picture:
    Hef and the twin girlfriends. I’m guilty of the 11th commandment. Jeoulosy, they name is PG (well, PG-13).

  3. hosepheffer on July 27, 2009 at 5:17 am said:

    No need to be green PG, they’re back in town tonight at the Phoenix in Harrisburg. Come see one of the best shows of 2009!

  4. Looks like fun, and is the Mike Fleming who took the last shot the former lead man for bands such as “Flag with Hank”?

  5. l3wis on July 27, 2009 at 6:19 am said:

    Yeah, same guy

  6. No shit…we go back to Jr. High, tell him I said hello and when’s the reunion tour?

  7. BTW…inquiring minds want to know, did you get to go down under?

  8. Is that a New Bomb Turks t-shirt?

    I’m from Columbus, OH, their hometown. Eric Davidson once licked my face.

  9. oldguy on July 27, 2009 at 7:22 am said:

    I have a new repest for you after seeing the picture with the two blondes… Rock On !!!! OMG

  10. l3wis on July 27, 2009 at 8:18 am said:

    Como- Have you ever seen Eric sing live?! He is a freaking psycho!

    Old guy, I think my next vacation is going to be to Australia. If even a 10th of the women are this friendly, I may never leave.

  11. Warren Phear on July 27, 2009 at 9:36 am said:

    L3wis. I went to Sydney once on R&R in 1970. You’ll never leave.

  12. Lucky bastard!

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