South DaCola

Event Center Proposed Model

Okay, I am a dumbass and did not takes notes at this part of the meeting so I am working off of memory. The facility they are envisioning modeling it after was a college facility (I think?). The place was 33,000 seats (I think?) so obviously scaled back, but the concept would be the same. The reason for the dome (top drawling) is for moveable curtains. In other words, as you can see in the second drawing they can adjust the size of the center, which is a great idea for multiple events, the only problem is they are playing this off a place that is twice the size of what they are proposing. One of the main reasons they all support the HW location is so they can tie it into the expanded convention center, (this is funny, because after the meeting a media person commented to me, “Don’t you think it is funny that Terri Ellis Schmidt controls the task force.” I laughed, and then I thought, they are right. This is about conventions, not entertainment. They know they do not have a tenant, so CVB will be their main tenant, but how is bringing conventions to SF helping citizens for quality of life? Is this an entertainment facility or a convention hall? Good question. That’s why they are pushing for this location. I’m all for expanding the convention center, they make the city a lot of money, BUT, wouldn’t the Arena serve as overflow for them if they needed more space? This whole thing is fishy.

They also seem to be pushing to call it a ‘Coliseum’. You know, like that place where gladiators died.

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