
BTW, that’s a CIGAR he is smoking, not a blunt.

Not sure if you saw a post on Dakota Wuss College yesterday, but Pity Pat thought he needed to sway a judge’s decision by writing a letter to the judge that was sentencing Bob Newland (oh nevermind, he deleted the post so I couldn’t link his silliness – you are so clever PP, no wonder Munsterman hired you).

But it turns out, the judge was quite lenient on Newland;

Delaney suspended all but 45 days of the sentence however, any violation of the terms of his sentence will send Newland to jail for the full year.

I thought this quote from one of Newland’s supporter said it all;

“This just shows how silly the law is, said Newland supporter Curtis Price as he left the courtroom. Price was relieved Newland did not receive a prison sentence.

“I feel bad for law enforcement,” he added. “They have to carry out laws that are about politics and not reality.”

You ain’t kidding. Pot is harmless and has great medicinal purposes, and most intelligent people know that (of course that excludes Brookings County Republicans).

By l3wis

11 thoughts on “I guess Pity Pat’s letter about addiction and other BS didn’t sway the judge”
  1. Have you ever seen the musical parody version of “Reefer Madness”? Good shit. The government propaganda guy is played by PeeWee Herman.

  2. I love how he is concerned about the judge stifling Bob’s free speech. What a fuckin hypocrite!

  3. Just what in the hell is wrong with that self-sucking idiot that he intrudes on the matter and writes the judge a letter? Doesn’t everybody realize by now that Sibson and PeePee are of he same mental level? Just a slight difference in styles.

  4. Don’t even get me started.

    I’m thinking about writing a letter to Scott Munsterman begging him to fire PP as his campaign manager. What a stupid decision. Hiring PP to be your campaign manager would be like Kermit Staggers hiring me to be his campaign manager. You don’t pick controversial loud mouth bloggers to run your campaign when you are trying to get votes. I have said that Munsterman’s decision is proof he is not qualified to be governor.

    As for Bob, it was a sentence I expected. It is too bad he can’t not be involved with the medical mary jane issue. I guess it is the price you pay for being an old hippy.

  5. RRadical-

    Not sure how AG will answer your question, but I will give my take. PP often deletes comments on his site and has banned people, including myself and Bob. Hardly a champion of the 1st Amendment. But see PP has to watch himself these days, he’s a big bad campaign manager.

  6. Looks like Bob needs to contact the ACLU and give that judge hell for restricting his free speech. It looks like a pretty clear violation of his civil liberties to me.

  7. I guess I could see it both ways. Yes, it is complete BS he can’t work for SD Normal, but you also have to understand, when you are a convicted felon and on probation, you have certain civil liberties taken from you, and I am sure that is how Bob is looking at it. For example voting rights. Besides, all the judge said was he can’t do anything ‘publicly’ that doesn’t mean he can’t do something behind the scenes, like give advice, which I’m sure he will. You don’t think Janks wasn’t giving legal advice while he had his license revoked? I guarantee he was.

  8. Certain liberties – like owning a firearm. But he still has his first amendment rights.

  9. Oh, I can see both sides of the coin. I’m sure if Bob got caught at a rally just hanging out, the judge or probation officer wouldn’t be able to do much about it. I think it was just kind of like a warning. Like if you go to AA they tell you not to hangout with your drinking buddies anymore. I think the judge was basically saying, if you are going to get piss tested for a year straight, probably a good idea not to hang out with potheads.

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