
I have heard both sides of the story on this, not sure where I stand on the issue. Hopefully the letter they mention below will really be made public after the hearing, would be for interesting reading that’s for sure;

FARGO, N.D. — The niece of imprisoned American Indian activist Leonard Peltier says he will get his first full parole hearing in 15 years in a Lewisburg, Pa., federal prison next week.

Kari Ann Cowan says the 64-year-old Peltier has not had a full parole hearing since 1993. He had interim parole hearings, which were less detailed reviews. A full hearing is scheduled next Tuesday.

Peltier is serving two life sentences for the deaths of two FBI agents during a 1975 standoff on South Dakota’s Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. He has claimed the FBI framed him, which the agency denies.

U.S. Attorney Drew Wrigley in Fargo, where Peltier was convicted, says he has written a 17-page letter with the government’s position that he will make public the day of the parole hearing.

Wonder if Pity Pat will be writing the parole board a detailed letter about how Peltier should stay in jail? Wouldn’t surprise me.

By l3wis

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