
Bye-Bye stinky.

Consolidation has been going on for awhile and in a recent Gargoyle Leader article, Sioux City is gearing up for a bigger plant.

But the biggest piece of news that has been circulating in news circles is that Smithfield foods who owns JM’s has filed Federal consolidation paperwork (but the document does not include location). – Sorry still trying to find a link

I have said for awhile that it doesn’t make a difference to me, but there is a lot of powerful people in SF that would benefit greatly from the closure, and with the Stockyards for sale, that is a prime piece of property.

So what are Sioux Falls city and business leaders doing about it? Probably helping JM’s pack – but they will never tell you that.

I suspect once they drop the bulldozer blade to tear down JM’s they will probably keep going east until they hit the insterstate, considering that neighborhood will be emptied overnight.

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