. . . Do we trust a satirist over a journalist to give us honest reporting. Gee, maybe that’s why my blog is the most read political blog in the state (BAHAHAHAHA!). Kidding aside, I have always felt it is good to have a sense of humor when dealing with politicians, it’s like they write the jokes for me!


Since Walter Cronkite’s passing, new focus has been put on the decline of legitimate news sources in America. The big three networks have fallen the way of the corporate cable news/propaganda networks and people are turning to alternate sources like The Daily Show to get a little truth with their news. That’s why it came as no surprise that Jon Stewart was voted Most Trusted Newscaster In America in a recent Time poll.

Here’s the breakdown of the results:

Jon Stewart – 44%
Brian Williams – 29%
Charles Gibson – 19%
Katie Couric – 7%

By l3wis