July 2009

Ironic Johnny ‘RATIONS’ the truth on Healthcare

I asked Thune this question online during a live interview on the Argus website;

Senator Thune, what’s so wrong with a national insurance plan as just another option. If I’m willing to pay for it thru a premium or extra taxes, how is this going bankrupt the country. A recent NY times poll said 72% of Americans support it. Why don’t you agree with it?

His (predictable) answer:

Sen. John Thune:  that poll didn’t address the question of paying for it which yields a different result, you would be the exception when it comes to a willingness to pay higher taxes, the cost is up to 2 trillion. with a government run, single payer system you would get less and pay more.     a govt plan would be the end of private insurance because no private insurer would be able to compete with the govt.   the studies show that employers would drop coverage and push everyone into the govt program where you would face govt rationing care.

Nice talking points, John. How do we know care would be rationed if we have never tried it. And whats wrong with putting insurance companies out of business?

Not sure if they will post my other questions. I said he was misleading by saying there would be no incentives for doctors is we went into a National Healthcare Plan.

Don’t miss a bunch of rich crazy doctors tell a bunch of retired rich Republicans that socialized medicine is bad


One of the many speakers at the Healthcare Rally

Funny that they are having the rally during the day when most working class people will be busting their butts trying to keep up with insurance premiums. Of course they don’t want those people to attend because 90% of them support a National Health Care insurance plan.

When will Dr.(?) Unruh and his wife just go away.

May I count the ways I rock?

Though I could care less about my stats on KELO, I found it ironic that I had the most hits per post in June (5,961.50) considering uber-Republican know it all, Joel Rosenthal tried to get me banned from the blogs. What place did you come in Joel? Second? That’s too bad. Maybe KELO should ban you for being so lame.
