
Just for clarity, I am not talking about the blogosphere in general, just the political sites. My site, of course, wavers between serious topics such as Sioux Falls city politics, but also has a satirical and pop culture side. I find many other sites to be very fair and balanced. If I had to pick the best, it would be Madville Times. Though Cory is left leaning like myself, but he backs up his opinion with facts and figures, I just back mine up with silliness.

I  am finding with more hardcore political blogs, especially the right leaning ones, is that they are either very extreme in their views such as Sibby and Bob Ellis sites, or they are just a parrot for Thune and the GOP party line (which really negates you from being a true political opinion site). I especially find it funny that Pity Pat continues to berate Herseth on her policies, yet she hasn’t announced what seat she is running for. And if she does decide to run for Congress, the Republican’s haven’t even revealed a candidate yet. So if your side is so awesome, where are all the other Thune wannabes lining up to run against Stephanie? It is pretty obvious that the Republicans need to get a jumpstart in the Governor’s race, they know if Steffy runs, she will crush them.

But I digress.

I just wish the SD political blogs would go back to covering actual political news in the state, not just regurgitating press releases from John Thune’s office. If I wanted to read that crap, I would go to KELO’s site.

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