South DaCola

Dr. Blake Curd pulls an ‘Unruh’


The Doctor is in, and his diagnosis is hoof and mouth disease.

It seems that Blake has been hanging with the Unruhs a little too much, he’s starting to make crap up when it comes to the Healthcare debate;

Our government has just proven that it cannot even purchase used cars, but it expects us to believe that it has a stranglehold on health care and its cost.

Huh? Cash for Clunkers has been highly successful, we can only hope government healthcare could work that well.

Despite the claims made by proponents of health care reform, rationing by necessity will occur. Long waits for specialists and treatments denied by our government because they are too expensive will become commonplace.

Blah, Blah, Blah. Just admit it Blake, as a specialist yourself, it will affect your bottom line and that is why you are opposed to it.

Acceptable care will be decided by a government panel and not by you and your physician.

Yes, because private insurers don’t do that now? Don’t make me laugh.

The United States stands as a shining symbol to the rest of the world because of the different way we do things. Our health care should be no different,

Yeah, because we love being rated almost last in healthcare of most industrialized nations, why would we want to change that? Heck, even Cuba has a better infant mortality rate then we do, and they pay their doctors $30 a month.

The approach should reward choice, competition, value and the freedom for individuals and families to decide what is in their own best interest.

I couldn’t agree more, but as of right now many Americans don’t have a choice because they are uninsured.

Those who cannot afford to purchase coverage should be given the opportunity of a tax incentive to become a health care purchaser, not someone dependent on an entitlement.

Hate to break it too you Mr. Rich Doctor, but people who can’t afford insurance likely are not paying much in taxes if any at all, so how do you give an incentive? Besides, one already exists, I write off my private insurance every year on my taxes.

America shocked the world more than two centuries ago when it embarked on this noble journey and established the greatest country ever known.

Yet after more then 200 years we still can’t provide affordable healthcare to our citizens. Maybe we are paying our doctors too much? I’m just saying.

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