I about pissed my pants when I heard Ron Reagan say this on CNN yesterday.


12 Thoughts on “Finally, someone in the Media calls out Palin on her silliness

  1. Jackie on August 11, 2009 at 7:38 am said:

    Thanks for posting this, I missed it and it’s a gem to see.

    Honestly, he brings up a valid point regarding the media. WHY shine the spotlight on the ridiculous? “The birth certificate”, for example has been debunked, more in Congress (GOP side) need to stand up and say “enough”, but they instead of appealing to common sense, it seems crazy gets turned up to 11. (Spinal Tap reference there.) The sensational, the ridiculous, the pointing fingers and using really strong code words like “racist”, “Nazi”, etc. is out of control and stirring up the really unstable. It’s no surprise Palin resorts to this tactic, she did this all along in the campaign.

  2. Ghost of Dude on August 11, 2009 at 7:44 am said:

    This one goes to 11…

    Palin never really got into the angry right’s batshittyness, but she never addressed it either. To his credit, McCain at least tried to calm down crowds when they’d start chanting obscene slogans or booing Obama’s name.
    Also, on the internet, whan you use a nazi or hitler reference, the argument is over and you lose.

  3. Costner on August 11, 2009 at 7:49 am said:

    Actually Dude, Godwin’s Law doesn’t suggest you lose an argument just because you invoke the name of Hitler or make a reference to Nazis or brown shirts etc, etc. It merely explains that there is an inverse relationship between time and one of those terms being used. That is to say the longer the argument continues, the greater the chance the words Hitler or Nazi will be mentioned.

    That being said, for all intents and purpose it does seem to be fairly typical that the first person to use one of those words in their argument has lost all hope of rational debate, and thus is perceived as the “loser” of the argument.

    Now if we held talk radio and 24/7 news channels to the same standard, the hosts would ‘lose’ almost every day.

  4. Costner on August 11, 2009 at 7:53 am said:

    BTW, am I the only one who finds the irony in the fact a guy named Ron Reagan is on the liberal side, while a black man is considered the conservative?

    That is awesome.

  5. Braden on August 11, 2009 at 11:43 am said:

    I wouldn’t be messing around with the Barracuda. Word is she’s a dead-eye shot from a helicopter.

    But on the positive side she is very, very stupid.

  6. Dumber then a mud fence at a dunce convention.

  7. Have I mentioned that I thank God everyday that she was not elected?

    BTW, I think it is pretty awesome that Ron Reagan stands against everything his dad stood for. Ronald Reagan, what a joke.

  8. Larry Elder definately comes off as the adult in this vid. RR gets all giddy hearing about the Coulter pie toss all the while while condemning Palin for lowering the debate.

    I can see why you hypocrites on the Left love him so.

    BTW, looks liker the Speaker herself is ready to taker herself out of the debate with this rhetorical gem:


    Unlike Palin, this “leader” is actually two heartbeats away from the Presidency

  9. Costner on August 11, 2009 at 9:37 pm said:

    Ok I’m going to have to admit my ignorance here… I had no idea that Ron Reagan was Ronald Reagan’s son. In fact, prior to this video I had no idea who this guy even was.

    I have to agree with Lewis to some degree that it is nice to see a politician’s son beat his own path rather than following his father’s footsteps, but that has nothing to do with his specific viewpoints… I just happen to respect independent thinking since it seems to uncommon these days.

    Politics and religion are generally inherited from parents… the guy couldn’t have had it easy expressing his views coming from the household he did, so if nothing else I have to admire that.

  10. Costner:

    ” In fact, prior to this video I had no idea who this guy even was.”

    That because he’s on Airhead America. A place where the kinda famous Liberals go to disappear completely.

  11. Costner on August 12, 2009 at 11:25 am said:

    Well I will also admit I have never listened to Air America – or at least consciously I haven’t. I think it might be available on XM so I might have caught a few minutes without realizing it but I can’t say for sure.

    Our local radio stations don’t exactly present the liberal viewpoint very often, so it gets a tad difficult to become familiar with who their talking heads are. During the noon hour here we get our choice between extreme fringe far right (Rush) and just regular extreme far right (Thompson).

    I guess there is always sports talk radio.

  12. Air America beats anything in Sioux Falls. Jack Rice in the morning is great. Ron Reagan has a good show also. You can stream it on the internetS as well as XM.

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