South DaCola

Free TV show

What a great day. My grandparents had their 50th wedding anniversary today in Tyndall and I got to see tons of relatives I haven’t seen for years, like my great uncle ‘Bingo’ who I told that I had not seen him since he built a cannon for 4th of July celebrations one year. In the drag racing hayday of the late 60’s my uncle Bingo was a well known drag racer and hydrofoil racer in Seattle where he owned a garage. I always remember his house because the living room was covered in trophies. He restores old tractors now and he told me he is going to start stock car racing, he said something like, “I’m gonna kick those little punks asses.” My great aunt Audrey told me she liked my cartoons, but I’m a little sarcastic “Yah think?”. I also finally got to meet my first cousin’s 4 year old son, Joe. He was pouting and I told him when I was a kid his age and did that while stomping my feet, my grandpa Carl told me if I kept stomping my feet when I pouted that I would turn out to be short, he was right, don’t pout kiddies. But I think the highlight of the day was when I went to see my friend Ben in Yankton and he gave me the below picture he took at the Chinese restaurant in Yankton. Funny shit. Who cares about the eggrolls when you have free TV!


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