South DaCola

Highlights from yesterday’s SF budget meeting

I found it ironic that the city is making gigantic budget cuts in 2010 (too little, too late) yet still found the need to continue these projects. Screwed up priorities, as usual.

– Historic Facade program Downtown (This is a $150,000 taxpayer handout to private property owners). They are given this money that they not expected to pay back in exchange for restoring their facades. While I think the program is a great idea, I have argued this should be funded through community development and be a low interest loan, not a handout. I am also surprised in this down economy that they are continuing to fund this in 2010. I guess even in a down economy special interests still get handouts in SF.

– SculptureWalk. I don’t think I would normally have a problem with this subsidy, considering we are buying a sculpture with the money. But besides it being a poor use of taxpayer money during a down economy, funding public art, it really chaps my hide that the SculptureWalk organization denies that they receive public money. No where on their brochure this year they credit the taxpayers of SF for this subsidy, on that denial alone, I say we pull the plug on funding. If they cannot acknowledge us as a partner in SW, why should we give it any money? Seriously.

– Sioux Falls Transit subsidy. It is estimated that SF Transit is subsidized $3.80 per rider. I don’t have a problem with a subsidy, considering our transit system constantly needs to be improved, but, I find it strange that there has not been a rate increase for 13 years (1996). I take issue with my water and sewer rates being increased leaps and bounds every year, but if you ride the bus, you are immune. It’s time to raise those rates.

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