
8 Thoughts on “Senator Thune gets his ass handed to him by a WW2 Vet, then avoids the initial question, go figure (H/T-Dakota Voice)

  1. Your headline is the best spin I’ve seen in a long time.

    It would have been more accurate to label it “Senator Thune takes a number of socialist fallacies and puts them into perspective with the common sense that we don’t need to bankrupt the country with a 1,200 page bill full of un-American garbage to fix our problems.”

  2. Oh, Bob, I just found it so ironic that you would post a video like that on your site, when it clearly shows Thune not addressing any of what the vet asked;

    Watch it again.

    1) Thune mentions that he wants everyone to have the same insurance plan he has, and says he has a choice of insurance companies, what he doesn’t tell us is that is coverage is almost a 100% and he does not pay jackshit for it, we pay for it.

    2) He talks about needing reform in cost and access, but doesn’t tell us what the GOP’s plan for reform is until the end of his statement. What is their plan? A tax credit.

    First off, there is already a tax credit if you buy private insurance, I use it when I file my taxes, and secondly, how do you give a tax credit to people who are so fucking poor, they don’t even pay taxes to begin with? And thirdly, how is giving citizens a tax credit to buy health insurance reforming the insurance industry? Kinda sounds like we are just giving them more business.

    Bob, you really should only smoke medical Mary Jane for physical ailments not psychological problems. And you should for sure not use a video camera when you are high.

  3. Randall on August 30, 2009 at 9:48 am said:

    During that fellow’s question Thune has a real “oh shit” look on his face.

    Then, as you said, he dances around the fact that WE pay for HIS health-care and ends up regurgitating Republican lies talking points.

    Republicans have only one “solution” for everything: tax credits.

  4. and democrats only have one “solution” for everything: More taxes

  5. Nothing wrong with tax credits, for certain things, however, they don’t solve healthcare reform. All tax credits would do is give more business to the same people who are the problem; the insurance industry.

  6. Ghost of Dude on August 31, 2009 at 6:47 am said:

    Republicans have only one “solution” for everything: tax credits.

    Which is made even more retarded by the fact that there are more tax credits, deductions, and rebates out there than the average person could ever hope to take advantage of without hiring someone to do it for them. If you can afford to pay them, then you love tax credits (I sure love my cute little tax credit).

    The only thing that will bring insurance to more people (probably still not everyone) is to make it affordable. True competition is the only way to do this.

  7. Costner on August 31, 2009 at 7:11 am said:

    In Thune’s defense, I actually think he did *sort of* answer the question, but then he used his time to change the issue to explain we should focus on those who don’t have insurance rather than those that do (even if that insurance is expensive and/or shitty) and that we should ‘fix’ the problems with healthcare in other ways.

    The issue I have with Thune and the GOP as a whole is that they have had years and years where they were in control of Congress and had the power to push through anything they wanted. So in all of that time why did they never even attempt to address healthcare reform?

    So now they say we need to fix these problems but they don’t offer their own solutions and they just sit back and complain about those who do. If Thune wants to fix healthcare they by all means draft a bill and present it as an alternative. Simply speaking about it in public and claiming you know the system is broken and you want to fix it isn’t good enough.

    I can promise you if this attempt at healthcare reform goes down in flames as it did under Clinton, the GOP will sit back and claim success and we won’t see any solutions from Washington any time soon.

  8. Pingback: Analysis on a Question to John Thune at his Townhall « Fastidious

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