
Not sure if you remember the fiasco last year in regards to the budget hearings but they were not broadcast when they said they would be on Channel 16, and when a citizen questioned the confusion there was a lot of excuses from the GM of Channel 16. Well, it seems they are up to the shananigans again this year. Last week the hearing didn’t start broadcasting on Channel 16 until 30 minutes after they said they would. They decided to switch the info and budget meeting around at the last minute. Then this week, they said due to ‘technical difficulties’ they could not broadcast the meeting live. Yeah, right . . . . Of course you can watch it online, like I choose to do.

Another surprising aspect of the budget hearings is the finance office did not give out budget books to the councilors before the meetings. Yeah, that is right kiddies, the very people who have to vote on this budget are not given an advance copy of the budget so they can ask questions during the hearings. And the only councilor to protest this was Staggers, who was able to obtain a book, and ironically the only one who has been asking questions during the meetings. I’m sure the hearings are a good chance for Quen Be De to catch up on reruns of The Cosby Show.

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