South DaCola

The Gargoyle Leader ED Board supports one of the dumbest tax increase ideas in long time


No surprise that the special interest brownosers at the Gargoyle support the event center funding idea, but what is even more idiotic is some of the obvious points they make in their editorial;

Where will Sioux Falls get the money to build an events center any way?

History shows that having that answer upfront is critical to any chance of local voters giving their approval to build.

No shit Sherlock. That has been my point all along, approve a funding source first then start hammering out the details. It’s easier to plan a facility when you know what kind of revenue you are going to have to build it. I think the Task Force got it assbackwards. First off, voters could vote down the tax increase, which I think they will. Remember they voted down a tax increase of only .02 cents to build the rec center. They are freaking crazy if they think Sioux Falls voters will approve a full cent in a down economy to build an entertainment facility that most voters won’t even be able to attend.

The idea is to include the type of provisions – primarily a sunset clause – needed to garner support.

A sunset clause? It should be called a bullshit clause. Don’t be fooled by this. TAXES NEVER GO DOWN. NEVER. Once the city pays off the Event center, they will just find other things to spend the money on, upgrades, etc, etc. This will be the sticking argument opponents need to point out.

There’s a window of opportunity here.

Sioux Falls needs its leaders to make sure the city doesn’t miss it.

But we will miss it because of this stupid funding idea. That’s what bothers me the most. I support a new EC and expanded convention center, it will do wonders for our economy, I don’t deny that. But why come this far just to have voters reject the idea? Which I think they will overwhelmingly. They need to switch gears immediately and support a B & B tax instead and take that to the legislature. Voters would support it and it is funding source that can stay in place.

Is anybody on the Task Force or at the Gargoyle Leader using their brains? One wonders.

This letter says it all;

As a resident of Sioux Falls, I would like to see a new events center. I’d rather spend my money in Sioux Falls than travel to Sioux City, Omaha, Fargo or the Twin Cities for concerts, the circus, etc.

But as a citizen who is concerned about the recession and people in lower-income brackets, I don’t want essentials such as food taxed. Sioux City did not tax food to build the Tyson Events Center. Rapid City did not tax food to build its events center.

I want Sioux Falls to move forward but not on the backs of those who can’t afford it. I propose a tax such as a hotel/restaurant/booze tax or a tax on political advertising in place of raising the sales tax.

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