They played for almost 2 hours and material from all of their albums. It was a great night, besides the fact that Hos kicked me in the rear.


3 Thoughts on “The Rev at Nutty’s North last night

  1. Ghost of Dude on August 25, 2009 at 12:43 pm said:

    Did he play “Bales of Cocaine”?

    That’s always been one of my favorites.

  2. Beer Jew on August 25, 2009 at 1:54 pm said:

    I love listening to the Rev-especially when I’m on the treadmill. Five-Oh Ford and Lonesome Train Whistle kick ass. Ah, hell they’re all good. Still chuffed that the Rev gave permission to Fridays for “Eat Steak”. Got rid of my 25 cent wing tips, they made my feet hurt. Talk to ya later!

  3. GoD, they did play bales, and the whole crowd sung along, “When I get homesick . . . .”

    BJ- Funny you commented, I ran into Schooley, last night and he said he was hoping Donni would show up to the show (lives in RC now) and Rocco commented that it would have been fun if you were there to, a regular old Owl’s Nest reunion.

    I did my best Donni rubbing my eyebrow and looking at me bicep impression, and Schooley laughed, but nothing beats yours. FUUUUCCCCCK!!!! LETS GET LOUD AND OWLEY!

    The Rev told a funny story about Eddie Van Halen and Brian Setzer, hard to explain, but let’s just say Setzer is the kind of R & R geetar.

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