16 Thoughts on “The State Of The Nation

  1. The Romans were right: give the mob bread and the circus and the mod will allow the senate to loot the republic.

    Bill Mahr was also right. The democrats are the conservative party of big business, drug companies, hospital companies, big banksters, predatory credit card and lending companies, and military contractors. The republicans are the crazy party.

  2. I just love how the Left and the media is going out of their way to de-legitimize the protesters. Although they obviously didn’t always feel that way:


    Moreover, all you die-hard Obama supporters who think he’s getting such a raw deal, remember how impressed you were when you heard about how Obama could’ve went to Wall Street and made millions, but instead went to Chicago to be a Community Organizer? Guess what is job #1 for those folks?


  3. Ghost of Dude on August 17, 2009 at 6:40 am said:

    I’ve always loved the ‘tards on the right who claim to be ‘real americans’.

  4. Whoops, this is the snip I wanted to highlight from the above link:

    “Perhaps the simplest way to describe community organizing is to say it is the practice of identifying a specific aggrieved population, say unemployed steelworkers, or itinerant fruit-pickers, or residents of a particularly bad neighborhood, and agitating them until they become so upset about their condition that they take collective action to put pressure on local, state, or federal officials to fix the problem, often by giving the affected group money. Organizers like to call that “direct action.”

    Community organizing is most identified with the left-wing Chicago activist Saul Alinsky (1909-72), who pretty much defined the profession. In his classic book, Rules for Radicals, Alinsky wrote that a successful organizer should be “an abrasive agent to rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; to fan latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expressions.” Once such hostilities were “whipped up to a fighting pitch,” Alinsky continued, the organizer steered his group toward confrontation, in the form of picketing, demonstrating, and general hell-raising. At first, the organizer tackled small stuff, like demanding the repair of streetlights in a city park; later, when the group gained confidence, the organizer could take on bigger targets. But at all times, the organizer’s goal was not to lead his people anywhere, but to encourage them to take action on their own behalf.”

  5. Costner on August 17, 2009 at 7:16 am said:

    Was this posted by the same poly who used to be on the Argus Board proclaiming when the assault weapons ban expired that crime suddenly went up?

  6. Poly43 on August 17, 2009 at 7:33 am said:

    You like being snarky eh costner? Yeh…thats me. A nut job in your eyes. Oh well. l I am against rapid fire high caliber weapons, not because they are scary, but because they are so easily accessable at gun shops and gun shows. Does that make me a nut job? I am against predatory credit card companies taking advantage of young and old Americans. Does that make me a nut job? I have been against the war in Iraq since the day it was hatched by cheney. Does that make me a nut job? I am against the slaughter of wild animals, like canned hunting and aerial wolf hunts because some find that “sporting”. Does that make me a nut job? I am against the red light camera, not because it issues tickets for red light running, but because in the process of justifying that camera our controlled intersections throughout the city have been made much LESS safe. Does that make me a nut job? I am for health care that treats ALL Americans with dignity and respect. Does that make me a nut job?

    None of this though was the intent of my first shot at this site. A very good site by the way l3wis. My intent was a little discussion about the next national champs….The Florida Gators. Come on Sy, Dude, you must have somethin to say about pretty boy Tebow on that SI cover.

  7. Angry Guy on August 17, 2009 at 7:51 am said:

    I think what makes you a ‘nut job’ is your convoluted post that leads with regurgitated political cartoons you didn’t write and didn’t give source or credit for. Then you go on to posts images of SI covers (can you even do that legally?) without any explanation or commentary at all.

    Nobody really gives a fuck what you are against, or how you feel about the ‘war’. If you insist on posting here, maybe you could give us something original and interesting.

  8. Ghost of Dude on August 17, 2009 at 7:53 am said:

    The gators might win it again. It really depends on Tebow’s supporting cast. He can’t do it all himself.

  9. Warren Phear on August 17, 2009 at 8:26 am said:

    The gators might win it again. It really depends on Tebow’s supporting cast. He can’t do it all himself.

    No he cannot. But Florida will finish at least 6 rungs above the Cowboys and prolly 30 or more rungs above the ‘skers in the final poll.

  10. Sure, I’ll play along….SI cover has been a curse for most part, usually means you go down in flames about the time you order copies to autograph for your friends.

    Tebow is damn good as is the rest of UF. They’ll have to get by LSU and UGA, and FSU usually plays them tough late in the season. Of course last year they tripped over Ole Miss, and I think they’ll stumble again this year. Maybe against one of the Bulldogs.

  11. As for my ‘skers, we’ll be better than last year, so don’t count on “30 rungs” down or whatever the fuck.

    Suh is the most dominant DT in college football and the other 3 next to him aren’t chopped liver by any stretch. If Turner is back to form, you’ll see the best front 4 in the B12 and possibly the NCAA. You will see much more speed on the field at LB and WR. We’ve got a All Big 12 caliber TE and K. Our O-line is looking pretty good, particularly on the Right side. Asante is looking to break out at Safety.

    Biggest question mark is Lee, if he can manage the game and not make rookie mistakes, we’ll be able to hang with anyone. If he stumbles or goes down, we’ll have a tough time winning the B12 north.

    If we beat VT in their house, watch the eff out though.

  12. Costner on August 17, 2009 at 9:30 am said:

    “You like being snarky eh costner? Yeh…thats me. A nut job in your eyes.”

    I don’t think I called you a nut job, I was merely asking if it was the same person as I thought I recognized the name.

    Then again after your ‘rebuttal’ I’m not so sure.

  13. Warren Phear on August 17, 2009 at 11:24 am said:

    As for my ‘skers, we’ll be better than last year, so don’t count on “30 rungs” down or whatever…

    The ‘skers, Kansas and Missouri will battle it out to see who will be the sacrificial lambs for the real powerehouses in the Big 12, Oklahoma or Texas. So Kansas, Missouri, or your ‘skers. Doesn’t matter. They’ll be down by 3 touches at halftime on December 5th.

  14. Warren Phear on August 17, 2009 at 11:28 am said:

    Sure, I’ll play along….SI cover has been a curse for most part, usually means you go down in flames about the time you order copies to autograph for your friends.

    Good point. About a month ago they did a cover with Joe Mauer on it. Talked about his chances for hitting .400. From the day that issue went to press, his average took a dive as he went on a 3 for 20 slump.

  15. Ghost of Dude on August 17, 2009 at 12:34 pm said:

    Big 12, Oklahoma or Texas. So Kansas, Missouri, or your ‘skers. Doesn’t matter.

    Nebraska will win the north, and either my Cowboys or OU will win the south. Texa$ will either lose to us or OU, and no B12 north team is on an upswing this year except Nebraska.

    My greatest hope is that Texas beats OU in a smashmouth contest at the cotton bowl that leaves their starting lineups in crutches for the rest of the regular season.

  16. EggBert on August 19, 2009 at 6:59 pm said:

    Hi guys!

    My nervous nephew, Nicky Nutless, used to just love this sport they call football. He played some in 7th grade until an opposing player hit him so hard his nut cup flew out of his football pants & his one left nut split open, fell off his hairless scrotum, & was kicked by a teammate toward the bleachers into the opposing quarterback’s mother’s tray of cheese balls…the team mascot didn’t see the incident occur, snuck up behind the mother & took the cheesy & bloody teste ball sack into his mouth while afterwards, yelling out to the roaring crowd on his middle-school megaphone – “YUM, YUM, GO TEAM GO, YUM, YUM, AAACKKKKKKKCCOOCCKKKKBBBALLLLL!”


    EggBert Farve Goofenstein Ball Sack

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