South DaCola

“Who do you think paid for the Iraq war? Santa Claus?” – Barney Frank


Watch a longer video here, Frank is at his prime. At one point he says, “I haven’t had a secret in 21 years.” Pop just squirted out of my nose;

Frank: Do you think Medicare is unconstitutional, sir?

Teabagger: I think that Medicare needs to be reformed.

Frank: Do you think it’s unconstitutional? You said that the Constitution doesn’t give us the authority to do it, but Medicare was done. And, do you think Medicare is unconstitutional?

Teabagger: I think that Medicare needs to be reformed.

Frank: But you won’t tell me whether you think it’s unconstitutional, which you said–

Teabagger: I am not a Constitutional scholar-

Frank: Then why did you start off arguing about the Constitution?

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