South DaCola

You mean abortion ends a pregnancy? Get out!

When are we gonna clean house of our kook bag legislators who write silly laws?

Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota has asked a judge to prevent the state from suspending its license to perform abortions in Sioux Falls.

Planned Parenthood made the motion for a temporary restraining order in response to a letter it received Monday from the Department of Health.  The letter lists deficiencies found during an inspection of the clinic in May and states that the clinic is not following a 2005 law requiring women to be told abortion ends a human life.  The state gave Planned Parenthood until August 22 to submit a plan of correction.

Planned Parenthood is challenging the law and wants the judge to prevent the state from taking any action until she decides whether to rule on the lawsuit or move it to trial.

A human is someone who can eat, sleep and live on their own out of a womb. Get a grip.

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