South DaCola

An introduction of my contributors

There has been some confusion lately about who is posting on this website, so I thought I would clear up some of that with a short explanation and introduction of my contributors.

I am the main contributor ‘l3wis’ or Detroit Lewis. As you can see in this example graphic below.

Anytime you want to know who the contributor is – it will say ‘Posted by . . .

I let my contributors remain anonymous, but this also gives me the right to edit or censor their posts, but it is something I rarely do (except to Angry Guy and Eggbert). Some people have accused me of just having different handles on my website. That is completely false, believe it or not all of my contributors are living, breathing, separate individuals.

Hear is a listing, starting with my most popular;

Ghost of Dude

Angry Guy


Johnny Roastbeef



Oliver Surden



If you ever have a complaint about one of them though, please email me, and most likely, I’ll tell you wear to stick it.

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