I have always enjoyed Matt’s columns, he is one of the few independent voices at the AL. This part of his Sunday’s column was a real zinger;

U.S. Sen. John Thune has shown little inclination to offend the Republican Party or corporate interests. On the contrary, they appear to have him on speed dial.

When Congress finally found the courage to curtail the brazen abuses that the credit card industry long has been inflicting on consumers, U.S. Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin voted against the bill – the only Democrat in the House to do so.

U.S. Sen. Tim Johnson was the sole Democrat in the Senate to vote against the bill. Johnson also is a member of the Senate Banking Committee, which, when omens of financial doom were everywhere, completely whiffed.

This reminds me of a conversation I had with Sioux Falls mayoral candidate, Mike Heuther this week after he told me he quit working at First Premier, (paraphrasing). “I won’t do the bidding of Denny Sanford.” That’s good to hear Mike, you should pass that message onto your Democratic counterparts in Washington. Don’t bother with Ironic Johnny, he is a lost cause.

Matt also states the obvious in his column;

So get set for more antics once financial industry reform replaces health care reform on Capitol Hill.

More disinformation.

More duplicity.

More defamation.

More lies.

More scare tactics.

More name-calling.

Get out!

By l3wis