By l3wis

9 thoughts on “I couldn’t agree more with president Carter”
  1. Didn’t Clinton try to come out with some form of socialized health care? That was shot down? Was that racism? Carter is off base, as usual. This has nothing to do with racism, just bad ideas.

  2. I would agree if this was coming out of Jesse Jackson’s mouth, but this is a man who grew up in a segregated south, was governor of Georgia and president of the United States. Besides, all of that does not really matter, the rest of us have thought this for a long time.

  3. Not every negative comment towards Obama is racist, but you have to admit the loonies are coming out in droves in regards to Obama.

    The past several administrations never saw anything remotely close to this – and even though Bush was very much disliked and coupled with the fact he was fighting a war the public did not want, he still managed to have less public outrage pointed in his direction.

    So it is all racism? Surely not… but you can bet some of it sure is. I’m not sure who said it, but I hear someone say what Joe Wilson really meant to say was “You lie Boy”. I don’t think something like Wilson’s outburst would have occurred had Obama been white, and you can bet your ass the entire “birther” movement wouldn’t exist either.

    So yea…Carter is pretty much right. Lucky for him he has no plans to run for office so he is one of the few who can say it publicly without it being held against him.

  4. I just wish one of these ass clowns would come out and say the ‘N’ word and get it over with already, so we can put these racist assholes to rest.

    As for Wilson, when your mentor is Strom Thurman, that pretty much tells us your view on African Americans. You can just tell in his demeaner that it frustrates him that a black man is running our country.

  5. Thad Wasson: If Mrs. Clinton couldn’t prove it does not exist.

    Not sure I understand what you are trying to say here, but the birthers could care less about what can be proven. Evidence and facts aren’t exactly high on their list of priorities.

  6. I’m not racist and this notion would not have entered my mind. However, a subliminal reverse race card is certainly in play here. I was not a Carter fan but respect him for his after presidency public service. Reluctantly, after pondering his comments, there seems to a bigot presence and someone had to say it.

  7. Hard to say there is not racism after seeing all the signs at tea party in DC last Saturday. The signs were despicable. And the crowd did not appear to be young rowdy people. The majority of the people in that crowd were older adults and white. Do you think they would have been carrying the same signs if McCain had become president or Bush was still president? The answer is no.

  8. From (H/T – Helga);

    Subject: N word


    Please don’t ever change your courageous position on this matter of the N word. You are 100% correct.
    Destroy the taboo Bart. Please continue to expose the true racist personas of the Obama haters.

    Let me say a few words about “classy”

    I play pool for a league at a number of different VFW and American Legion posts.. as well as at a few local honky tonks.
    When I go to the VFW I hear people talking about “that nigger in the White House” .. When I go to the American Legion
    I hear people talking about “that nigger in the White House”.. and when I go to the local roadhouse I hear people talking
    about “that nigger in the White House” .. I never hear them say “that African American” .. or “that Negro” .. or “our minority
    president” .. what I hear is, N I G G E R.

    You couldn’t possibly be more right about anything that you speak about.
    I especially like your “can you hear us?” bit.. ha ha.. that little photo is priceless.

    Keep it coming Bart. You have the best blog in the Internet.

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