Leave it to Thune to lay it on thick;

Sen. John Thune: “It is time for President Obama to put politics, ideology and the wants of special interest groups aside . . .

But it is okay for you to play politics and take money from special interests?!

and show some leadership by working in a truly bipartisan manner on a health care reform package

Bipartisan manner? Hey, John, bipartisanship is a two-way street and it is time for your party to pull their car out of the garage.

that will improve health care and lower costs without burdening our children and grandchildren with trillions of dollars in new debt.”

So it is better for private insurance companies to make billions in profits while people file bankruptcy left and right from health care bills?

You are so full of shit John.

9 Thoughts on “Ironic Johnny never disappoints

  1. I wonder how many times Thune has used the “burdening our children and grandchildren with trillions of dollars in new debt” line over the past few months.

    I guess any time you reference children and grandchildren you are hoping for the emotional win, but considering this line is repeated by the GOP about 220 times a day I tend to think it loses its effectiveness.

    Why is Obama’s “new debt” any worse than the “new debt” of previously administrations? I didn’t hear much complaining from Thune when we were racking up $700B in debt for the Iraq war or sending hundreds of billions to Wall Street for bailouts.

    I guess our children and grandchildren don’t mind us spending their money to build bombs just as long as we don’t use any of it to provide them with affordable healthcare.

  2. It’s amazing you have no ability to argue the facts and attack only on Bush-bashing tactics. ‘You did this in a totally unrelated case.’ ‘You ideas you presented for health care reform were totally uncool’ and ‘I don’t know how much health care costs, but Obama says it’s more than he wants!’

    People never think they’re the problem, especially the “snarky” ones!

  3. Thune also didn’t have a problem with a $2.6 billion dollar loan to a failing RR company that would not have been able to pay back the money. He should really see a doctor about his memory loss, and since we are footing the bill I suggest he goes today.

  4. On CNN last night John McCain said the very same thing right after he told 2 blatant lies. He said there were death panels and the VA had their death thing. (He is so good with words) So the repugs are on their talking points. Along with today still saying illegal aliens will get medical care. No matter how many times it is pointed out that is not true they still spit out their garbage.

  5. CeCi Connally just said that McCain has a petition he is passing around opposing any healthcare reform. So much for the 2 Johns saying lets all work together. They never had any intention to ever work with a democrat and will not for the next 4 years.

  6. A lady called me a moron tonight after she overheard me tell one of my coworkers, “The Republicans are just mad they lost, we don’t need them to pass legislation.”

  7. It is clearly obvious they are mad they lost, they are throwing all manner of BS against the wall to see what will stick.
    Keith had a great commentary tonight about the right wingers.

  8. I just think it was funny that a total stranger yelled that at me. As Barney Frank said, “Just shows how desperate they are.” We joked that would be my new nickname around work. ‘Moron’.

  9. l3wis, I think the teabaggers spell it “morAn”

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