8 Thoughts on “Liar, Liar, pants on fire . . . or at least a middle east country

  1. Ghost of Dude on September 10, 2009 at 6:50 am said:

    What a tool.

  2. That guy is a real idiot. I’m assuming you will need a SS card in order to get the public option.

  3. A tool indeed, but he lost his cool and imediately following he apologized both publically and with and attempt to call BHO that was taken by Emmanuel.

    Also, many, if not most Democrats used to boo and hiss during GWB’s joint session addresses. Reid still stands by his calling of Bush & Cheney liars. You never had any apologies from them nor (unlike this situation) did you ever see any condemnation from fellow Democrats for their bashing of Bush.

  4. It is one thing to call out in the middle of a speech – quite another thing to do so elsewhere. Plenty of Republicans have called Obama a liar outside of Congress and no apoligies are demanded, but this wasn’t exactly the same situation. It seems clear when even John McCain said it was “totally disrespectful” that it was far outside of the normal theatrics we see from Congress.

    As to the boos you heard during Bush’s speeches, those are par for the course and have been for as long as I can remember regardless of who the President was. The party in power always interrupts the Presidential addresses with applause about 80 times per speech, and the opposing power always boos or grumbles or moans. Is it in bad taste? Yes, but it isn’t unique to one President or party.

    I find it just as tacky that members of Congress were reading alternate bills and clicking away on Blackberrys and acting as if they had something better to do – but I realize that happens all the time as well (even on the state level).

    I respect the fact that Wilson was so quick to send his apology, but with such a short fuse I hope he is never given authority to push a big red button.

  5. I find it amusing that Wilson’s Democratic opponent received over $100,000.00 in campaign contributions within hours of his booing the President of the United States.

  6. I heard it is up to $400,000 now.

  7. and counting.

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