
By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Micheal Moore’s new movie trailer”
  1. I put Moore on the same level as Palin. He says something stupid every time he opens his mouth, the Right loves to hate him, and he hasn’t done much good for the Left.
    I’ll give this film a rating of ‘meh…’

  2. I partially agree, SICKO was ‘OK’ but not on the same level as ‘Bowling for Columbine’ still his best film

  3. Moore is a pretty piss-poor documentary maker overall.
    It almost seems at times like he doesn’t want to be taken seriously.

  4. Will he be visiting city hall? A citizen’s arrest is appropriate with a bigger sack for bid-rigging refunds.

  5. I agee, he’s not a good film maker. However, he’s found a way to get the general population’s attention that is often reflected at the polls.

  6. Have you ever seen Roger & Me? I won’t bother to defend Moore’s latest few films as I haven’t seen them, but Roger & Me is evidence Moore can be a good filmmaker if he chooses to.

    I just think there is more money and fame in being so damn controversial. Or did you guys really think Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter say and do the things they do because they honestly believe them?

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