12 Thoughts on “My Interview on The Post

  1. Ghost of Dude on September 24, 2009 at 11:11 am said:

    We’re going to get you sued. one of these days…

  2. I have already had a complaint to the provider, but it was something minor.

  3. Taunia Adams on September 24, 2009 at 12:16 pm said:

    Sue them back, with lots of publicity. Taint that jury pool.

    Nice swipe at Sibby, btw.

  4. Angry Guy on September 24, 2009 at 1:12 pm said:

    Was it you stealing a video screen capture from the lesbians that almost got you sued?

  5. Warren Phear on September 24, 2009 at 2:14 pm said:

    Angry Guy says:

    Was it you stealing a video screen capture from the lesbians that almost got you sued?

    Actually DUMBASS, it was could have been YOU when YOU regurgitated political cartoons YOU didn’t write and didn’t give source or credit for.


  6. Angry Guy on September 24, 2009 at 2:44 pm said:

    Fuck you warren.
    You could was have should be blowing me.

  7. It was an a stupid image I used from a casino that was copyrighted, they just took the image down.

  8. Taunia-

    You know it is true. Sibby is such a joke.

  9. Taunia:

    “Taint that jury pool.”

    If I’m on the jury and L3wis flashes his taint at me I’m voting for the electric chair.

    I love the smell of burnt taint in the morning.

  10. Warren Phear on September 24, 2009 at 3:02 pm said:

    Angry Guy says:

    Fuck you warren.
    You could was have should be blowing me.

    Is that ALL you got AG? Worn out 4 letter words? Nobody really gives a fuck what you want from me. If you insist on posting here, maybe you could give us something original and interesting.

  11. Angry Guy on September 24, 2009 at 3:35 pm said:

    That goes right along with me not giving a fuck what you want from me.. so we’re even I’d say. You’re sounding a little angry though. What’s really bothering you, Warren? You just let me know and I’ll put down everything I’m doing and rush out to bum fuck nowhere to tell you I care about your pheelings.
    Speaking of original and interesting, have you EVER posted here? Can you? Maybe you should STFU, get a login, post something original that isn’t a fuckin knitting update or whatever else it is that fuels your bore machine, and THEN you can tell me where to go. Got it?

  12. ROFL, Sy

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