12 Thoughts on “Obama calls Kanye West a Jackass

  1. Ghost of Dude on September 18, 2009 at 8:43 am said:

    There’s video of that somewhere.

  2. Find it, my main man

  3. The video was on FARK a couple of days ago. I don’t have time to go back and look up the link, but I watched there.

  4. What is your point, I know it has been around a few days.

  5. Obama was right… Kanye is a jackass.

  6. No point, by your comment to ghost I thought you wanted him to find a link to the video, that’s all.

  7. hosepheffer on September 18, 2009 at 3:03 pm said:

    sometimes it amazes me how you are 4 days behind the normal news cycle

  8. Well, not everyone can be as f’ing cool as you, can they?

  9. You Go BHO! That was a perfect reply that needed nor warranted any apology or backpedal from ABC. He was a jackass and kudos for Obama for saying it.

    He could’ve & should’ve described Skip Gates the same way and he’d have also gotten a huge fist bump from me, but I’ll take what I can get.

  10. As I told someone today, ‘Perfect Assessment’

  11. And BTW, anyone who shaves curtain designs into the side of their head, can’t be anything but a jackass. Same goes for you nimrods who put rims in your ears.

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