South DaCola

The speed of stupid? Fastidious.

I’ll have to admit, this is the longest rant about one of my posts. First off, I am satirical, so I use potty-words, especially when comes to people like Bob Ellis and ironic Johnny, and secondly, Thune’s testimony can be summed up very quickly; Him and the GOP have no plan for healthcare reform besides tax credits, which is not reform. Tax credits already exist, and if they worked, we would not need reform.

Have a chuckle on me;

We pay, now, the price for what is the best medical industry in the world.  And take this into consideration in its fullness:  our infrastructure, our research, and our treatments, together, all have a price tag that is far larger than that of other countries, to be sure.  But other countries pay $0 for the investment that is the research cost that we pay with our dollars and time.  They only pay the price of the new “treatment” as it is in the current system (excluding factors like tariffs, export taxes, government regulations, etc.), whereas each time we go to the doctor, in addition to paying for the services rendered, the cost of investing in the best health care system in the world is included in our bill.

BAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, we pay twice as much as other industrialized nations and rate 35th. Even Cuba who pays their doctors $30 a month has a less infant mortality rate then us. Keep spreading the bullshit, and you teabaggers will get your way. Thank goodness there is no Hell, because they would reserve a special room for you.

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