By l3wis

2 thoughts on “VOICES ‘CRAZY’ IS RIGHT”
  1. The guy who made that sign is right…. 7ox does a great job of keeping people ‘infromed’. Oh wait – is this Sy’s sign?

    Honestly – the more signs I see from these people the more mad I become at our education system. Then you go to the NPR story and see the quacks holding signs hinting Obama isn’t a legal citizen (the birthers) or the idiot who thought she was being clever by making a reference to hijacking and the phrase “lets roll” around the anniversary of 9/11.

    Do these people really want others to associate them with the Republican party? Because they aren’t doing the GOP any favors. Everytime they open their mouths or hold another event they lose support of the moderates and independents – and they are the very same people who determine elections.

    I thought the groups of liberals who marched on Washington were batshit crazy, but they don’t hold a candle to these people.

  2. Do these people really want others to associate them with the Republican party?

    We are the base of the republican party! Not those pansy-assed moderates who can’t pick a side to cheer for.

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