South DaCola

Wanna improve campaign finance laws in Sioux Falls? Limit special interest money and golden parachutes.

What is the biggest mystery in city politics next Spring? The next mayor? The new council? Nope. What golden parachute will Munson take when he leaves office.

I have felt that special interest money has destroyed city government over the past decade in Sioux Falls. Special interests, especially big developers, have funded several councilor’s campaigns, and their voting records prove that influence. All 4 councilors who voted for the retail tax increase last year had their campaigns funded by some of the biggest developers in this town, the very developers who benefit from the tax increase. Of course they fed us a line before the increase that they would be paying 50% of the new road construction . . . BAHAHAHAHAHA! I knew it was a lie then and it continues to be one now. Taxpayers have put 17x more money in the fund then the developers have to date. City officials are considering some changes though to campaign finance.

“I do continue to believe in more transparency in campaign finance,” she said. Knudson added that she supports strict campaign finance reporting rules at the local level.

I agree Quen, but first it starts with limiting special interest influence, like $1,000 a plate BBQ fundraisers.

City Clerk Debra Owen, whose office oversees Sioux Falls elections, proposed the measure. Owen is asking for changes to the city’s rules ahead of next year’s mayoral and council elections. The council should have a chance to vote on the changes in the next couple of weeks.

“Being transparent is very important to them,” Owen said.

Don’t you mean to SOME of them?

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