
This little diddy also made me laugh (via Crooksandliars.com)

state of mind SC_46742

7 Thoughts on “Why healthcare COOP’s won’t work, and various other lies debunked

  1. Sandford, DeMint, Wilson, any other gems out there that SC has for us to put up with? I say censure Wilson, take away his healthcare for 6 months……see how he likes it and he can’t fall back on his Reserve healthcare.

  2. Ghost of Dude on September 15, 2009 at 6:16 am said:

    He really didn’t say much about co-ops except that they’re designed to fail.

    That’s a fair argument, but other than mentioning co-ops, no one has really talked about them and what they’d mean for consumers.
    The GOP is almost as bad at selling their plan as the Democrats.

  3. “He really didn’t say much about co-ops except that they’re designed to fail.”

    I don’t think you need to say much else. I think the biggest problem I have with the Healthcare debate is that it is getting to complicated for the common Joe to understand, it is silly. State the facts as precise as possible and move on.

  4. Thad Wasson on September 15, 2009 at 12:42 pm said:

    Co-ops exist because they are granted customers with no possibility of competition. Look at your telecom co-ops and your electric co-ops. They do not compete against each other and so the rates stay high.

  5. Thad – if you think our phone and electric rates are high, you obviously have no clue what other parts of our nation are paying.

    Many or most co-ops are customer owned anyway – which means the “profits” go right back to the customer in the form of lower rates and in some cases dividend payments.

    I don’t know if co-ops would work in healthcare, but for something like electricity where competition is next to impossible… they work pretty darn well I’d say.

  6. Ghost of Dude on September 15, 2009 at 2:56 pm said:

    I think a health care co-op would be more like a mutual insurance company or a credit union.
    The problem is that they’ll have to compete with established giants and may be hamstrung by people with a vested interest in the status quo.
    The only reason mutual insurance companies exist today is because most of them are over 100 years old and have enough assets to compete with the stock companies.

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