
Not sure what this letter writer was getting at?

I was taught when I was young that communist and socialist countries were evil because they taught their children to turn their parents in for not following the party line, had the death penalty for using the wrong drugs, put people in prison with no charges and no chance of going to court, worshiped science instead of God, had so-called re-education camps that would brainwash/enlighten the masses so they knew their leaders were right and not only condoned but promoted torture. I still pray the United States can stop becoming like the rest of the world and set the example that so many people believed we were capable of. The recent debate over health care shows that greed still is a hard vice to overcome, but I am still hopeful that good can triumph over greed, fear and hatred.

So, what do you consider the ‘Right Drugs’ are? And, I have yet to meet someone who worshipped ‘Science’. I only hope that sanity and common sense can triumph over greed, fear and hatred.


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