I deleted the posts about Allah and the Last Supper because once again, Pastor Doohickey brings out the worst in people and turns every debate int0 abortion. Just for once Steve, can you debate the issue at hand? The post was about ‘ART’.

Now let’s discuss the above masterpiece.

11 Thoughts on “Deleted Posts

  1. I’ll start-

    Thank gawd Michelangelo’s mother didn’t have an abortion or we wouldn’t have this great masterpiece, not only in Italy but in Sioux Falls. We would probably have a giant statue of a turtle reading a book to rabbits at Fawick park.

  2. Costner on October 23, 2009 at 1:39 pm said:

    Wait a second. The guy who was complaining about Kelo censoring/deleting posts is now censoring/deleting posts?

    Hello Mr. Thune… nice to meet you.

  3. I’m not censoring shit, I’m telling Steve to STFU!

  4. And btw, it’s not censorship when you delete anonymous posts/comments.

  5. Ghost of Dude on October 23, 2009 at 2:28 pm said:

    When you delete offensive blog posts, the theocrats win.

  6. On a separate note, you have to watch this video, the ending is classic.

    Rep. Grayson says, “When he (Cheney) is done speaking, does he just turn into a bat and fly away.”

    Funny shit.

  7. “When you delete offensive blog posts, the theocrats win”

    Steve is not a Theocrat. He is a fucking idiot.

  8. Every board has its resident troll.

  9. Was it about abortion or about a stripper and Jesus, then he asked if you would put a Muslim in the pic instead of Jesus?

  10. Over the years in Sioux Falls poor David has spent a lot of time hidden away. I think the city fathers didn’t see David so much as a work of art, they just saw his parts. Now David has been given a place downtown but the last time we went to look at him we had to walk through all the dog poop to see him.

  11. Ghost of Dude on October 26, 2009 at 9:36 am said:

    I think the city fathers didn’t see David so much as a work of art, they just saw his parts.

    For a bunch of straight conservative men, our city fathers sure spent a lot of time worrying about penii.

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