I think it is great that Matt is considering running against Thune, it will be fun to watch someone call Ironic Johnny out on his bullshit. I can’t MotherF’ing wait!

Matt McGovern, the grandson of former Sen. George McGovern, is emerging as a potential contender to Thune, who is seeking his second term in the Senate. The few big names in the Democratic Party have already committed to other races, and a thin bench could give McGovern a clear shot at Thune.

McGovern, 37, is the state director for Repower America, a national group founded by former Vice President Al Gore to promote clean energy and policies that address climate change. He also served as President Obama’s state chairman during last year’s campaign.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Everyone knows that Matt McGovern (Rowen) does not have a chance in Hell of beating Thune, but man, it will be fun to watch”
  1. I agree 100%…watching another McGovern get trounced would be fun to watch.

    If we’re going to send another legacy to DC, how about we send one that has actually accomplished something in the real world and also represents a chance to return some semblence of fiscal conservatism to DC: G. Mark Mickelson.

    Oh, yeah..and it’d be nice if., like Mark, our MOC actually lived/worked here for more than a few months.

  2. Sometimes the apple falls a long, long way from the tree before being picked up and tossed on a truck before landing on the other side of the state.

    I give zero importance to legacies. Some tend to think having a specific last name like Bush or Kennedy suggests someone will be better politicians, but if history has taught us anything… the exact opposite might be true.

  3. Who cares? Matt can’t beat Thune, and he knows it – he can however use his name recognition to hammer Ironic Johnny on all his BS.

  4. I’ve seen Matt speak at public evenst. He is terrible. He is probably the worst possible person who could have taken on John Thune.

    I saw Todd Schlekeway take on Matt McGovern at an event over cap and trade and I’ve decided Schlekeway is probably in the top 5 on the GOP bench. They might not know it yet but he’ll emerge one of these days. McGovern looked rediculous. He didn’t even have a personality.

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