I can’t imagine that a kid who would be in a video like this (below) would pretend to go up in a giant balloon. What a pussy.


By l3wis

10 thoughts on “Imagine that, the ‘Balloon Kid’ was playing a prank”
  1. They should take the little s–t out to the woodshed. Then his so-called “parents” oughtta be billed for the resources that were diverted. It’s just damn lucky that nobody was hurt or killed looking for him. BTW, I suspected the whole thing was full of crap from the beginning.

  2. Oh, but they deny it was a hoax, but just watch all of the YouTube videos and you say to yourself, Ah, Yeah, riiiiggggghhhttt . . .

  3. “pajamas are pussified!”

    You NEED to listen to the lyrics of their rap.
    They are NAUGHTY!

  4. It was funny, tonight, Wolf Blitzer was interviewing the family and Falcon admitted that he was hiding for ‘the show’ and his parents tried to play dumb. This whole thing was staged.

  5. They should be billed for every man-hour and gallon of fuel used in the search, plus mileage.

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