
Unless there is a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow, I may not run for mayor

I find it unusual that Vernon hasn’t formerly announced yet or have up a website. I also find it curious that most people who would support him (financially) may be putting their money behind Costello or Peterson, which may leave Brown’s kitty dry. Like Staggers, Brown lives a modest lifestyle and can’t hardly fund a campaign on personal wealth, like Costello and Huether can.

Has anyone heard when he may announce?

2 Thoughts on “Is Vernon Brown bailing on running for mayor? One wonders.

  1. I think VB figures he has enough name recognition to hold off as long as he can to announce. Not that dumb a move IMHO.

    He can let the initial candidates beat on each other for a while and save his $$ for the final push.

  2. A little birdy told me that Kranz thinks Brown and Peterson will be in the runoff. I responded with a good hardy chuckle.

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