South DaCola

My favorite Gargoyle Leader Columnist, Okerlund, writes another funny one


Matt makes suggestions on what lottery winner, Neal Wanless, can do with his money;

  • Hire a team from NASA to invent a cell phone that causes teen drivers to break out in zits whenever they type a text message instead of KEEPING THEIR EYES ON THE ROAD!!! Adults who text and drive will get hemorrhoids.
  • Get us all blaze orange hats and bulletproof vests for those days when Dick Cheney comes here to hunt.
  • Do Kelby Krabbenhoft one better and build a retractable roof that covers the entire state. When January comes around, close that sucker up tight and don’t open it until St. Patrick’s Day. Or give the Sanford Health CEO a call. Together, you two probably have enough money to buy the sun.

    • Buy the Capitol in Pierre and move it to an undisclosed location. Tell only people who think teachers work more than nine months a year where it is.

    • While they’re at it, have those folks from NASA invent an apple pie that, when smothered in ice cream and eaten while drinking a beer, causes a person to actually lose weight.

  • • Give half the money to the ethanol industry. It loves handouts.

    That one was my favorite.

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