Somethings never change in South Dakota; fall harvest, pheasant hunting, influenza scares and Mikey’s ‘The Sky is Falling’ speaking tour;

Revenue to the state of South Dakota was down by $33 million in the first three months of this fiscal year, Gov. Mike Rounds said Monday, setting the stage for a painful legislative session next year.

At the same time, thousands of people have been added to the Medicaid entitlement program, which pays some medical expenses for the poor. The 6,400 people who have qualified for the state/federal program since August of last year could represent another $40 million to $50 million in expenses, creating a “huge budget problem,” Rounds said.

Yes, blame the poor for all of our problems, nevermind the rich in the state don’t pay their fair share of taxes or that we handout no bid contracts like candy.

It wasn’t all gloom and doom. Business optimism is on the rebound, and unemployment in South Dakota remains low compared with the national average.

Yet we have the highest number of working moms and the lowest hourly pay of any state in the nation. Unemployment may be low, but underemployment is high.

Heidepriem said he opposes any increases.

“For my part, I don’t think you can tax yourself out of a recession,” he said.

And imagine that, it is the democrat who is the fiscal conservative in all this.

By l3wis

9 thoughts on “Rounds starts his annual autumn ‘Doom & Gloom’ speaking tour”
  1. Love the title.
    Ain’t it great how the state’s structural budget deficit tripled under rounds and the right-wing legislature? And they haven’t made any structural changes: other than to increase the size of state government?

    And then they blame it on the old folks and the poor people. Guess what – that’s what the population of South Dakota is – Q-tips and rural poor. Rounds should borrow a song from the Wizard of Oz, “If I Only Had a Brain”.

  2. Unlike the city of Sioux Falls, at least Rounds acknowledges there must be cuts and finances will get even worse. The city is still promoting capital projects. Some day (after socialism) there will be a city council with democratic clout to restrict the mayor and insist upon competitive bidding. Meanwhile, taxpayer dollars will be focused on foolish marked up contracts ripe with kickbacks and designed to keep councilor developers solvent. It should be no surprise that, forthcoming (post election accounting), the city is broke and deep in debt.

  3. Maybe the state would have a little more money if Rounds didn’t give a job to every one of his relatives. Being gov seems to be the full employment act for the Rounds family.

  4. He is such trash, blaming poor people’s health and economic problems for why the state is broke.

    “Yeah, we have raped the working poor’s wallets for years, just enough that they could still afford their ‘American Gold’ cigs and ‘BUSCH Light’ while keeping their heads above water. Now that they are drowning, I’m not sure who we will fuck over?”

    He’s the kind of guy you wouldn’t punch but would puke on.

  5. Gov. Rounds and the legislature receive 640 million in federal stimulus money because they are to cowardly to cut programs, get efficient or raise taxes.

    They should be thanking those currently representing SD in DC.

  6. From what I have heard, Mike does not provide much leadership in Pierre. He hasn’t made many enemies because he doesn’t do anything. Granted the economy is not good, but if we had some direction in Pierre, things might not be as bad.

  7. “He hasn’t made many enemies because he doesn’t do anything. ”

    Are you talking about Rounds or Munson?

    “if we had some direction in Pierre, things might not be as bad.”

    Or at least someone who is concerned about working families instead of campaign contributors.

  8. John – I would not call their retirement system “overly generous”. You have to meet the rule of 85 which means that your age and years of service have to be 85. Your retirement benefit is at a reduced rate.

    If you want to look at a generous retirement system, check out the City of SF. Their wages are higher as well as the benefits calculator.

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