Well, gotta hand it to Bob Winkels, he did a nice job of not mentioning the Event Center or that he is getting paid by the city to consult on the new facility. But what is more surprising is that the Gargoyle Leader printed the letter to begin with, oh the hypocrisy;

Soon we will be asked to support other new and expanded facilities that will help to keep Sioux Falls competitive in our Midwestern market. These improvements will help to retain our young citizens and to continue to lure and retain businesses that create jobs.

What New and expanded facilities? An Event Center? Why not just say it Bob, or are you afraid the City would put a stop payment on their checks to you. City officials, leaders and consultants wonder why we don’t trust them, maybe it has to do with how they mislead the public about projects.

And another city official puts his two-cents in, without mentioning the EC either.

There are quality-of-life issues out there that might not be for you but that address the needs of the next generation.

What issue, Jeff? The Event Center? He must be worried about his paycheck to.

By l3wis