It appears that former state legislator, Clarence Kooistra is considering running for the Sioux Falls AT LARGE city council seat left vacant by Pat Costello. I think Clarence is a fair politician, and I wish him luck if he decides to run.

Today on KCPO’s political comedy show, The FACTS(?) SD State Senate Assistant Majority Leader, Representative Kristi Noem was the guest.


She talked about balancing the state budget in 2010 while meeting with the Republican Caucus. Kristi was good at avoiding her stance on about 9 million issues facing our state during the show, but, she said something that stood out; one of the plans considered for saving the state money is lowering the poverty level so fewer people could qualify for state programs. While I agree we should work to give the poor a hand-up instead of a hand-out, I think this is a terrible time to be cutting food stamps and other assistance. Leave it to Republicans to F’ck the poor while continuing to handout useless million dollar contracts to private industry for everything from tourism to financial services.

The SD GOP needs to take a good hard look in the mirror and ask themselves, “Am I a Rat Fink?”

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “South Dakota & Sioux Falls POLITICAL TIDBITS”
  1. I got a kick out of the show. Noem has a knack for answering a question but always leaving an out by the ending her answers. “Some of us in the leadership agree, some of don’t (paraphrasing).” Also, Kristi (Stewart) Golden brought up the smoking ban, she really is a piece of work.

  2. I agree, Staggers and Huether. Costello is just a mafia don on his way into a prison term. I lean toward Staggers. He’s more a citizen’s public servant. Still, if anyone comes out to repeal ‘Home Rule’, I’m there.

  3. Save money by screwing the poor…

    How do these GOPeople sleep at night?

    …and they wonder why no Republican has won the Nobel Peace Prize in the past several decades?

  4. I just came across this post and had to laugh. Give me a break…there are many “poor” people committing welfare fraud and will never get off their butt to to even look for a job. While there are deserving people in need of temporary help, I don’t support handing over my hard-earned money to the “poor.” When Republicans invest in industry, often by cutting taxes, they are stimulating the economy and creating jobs…opportunities for people should they get the motivation to apply for jobs.

  5. Exactly how do the Republcans screw the poor? Stop watching PMSNBC and form a real, educated opinion please. Damn Obamazombie.

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