South DaCola

South Dakota’s Native American Day is a RACIST holiday!

Good day to all!

South Dakota’s Native American Day is a RACIST holiday! The EggBert Family (except Uncle Rusty & Gramps Grumpa who are downtown attending a Powee Wowee) and Neighbor Nugents are circulating a petition to change South Dakota’s racist Native American Day back to Columbo Day. Instead of honering unsightly, smelly & drunken Natives from North America who tried to keep our beloved & proud USA from being discovered, we NOW need to get back to the glory days of honoring our pure-skinned hero, Christopher Columbo!  WTF  – It is very, very racist not to follow the other 49 states in righting this racial imperfection. And it was very selfish of the Native Americans to initially not  allow us some land (THEN and NOW) – to build our new Target stores, etc. LET’S FINALLY GET THIS RIGHT, PEOPLE!!!

Below are photographs of other inspirational non-Native Americans who have signed our petition…


EggBert & like-minded WWJD (What Would Jesus Dangle) people of persuasion…

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