South DaCola

Thune has to pay people to defend his rape protection vote. How ironic.

Photo taken by Adam Grimm

Ironic Johnny; hunting for a defender?

It seems the only ones chastising Thune’s vote are citizens writing letters to the editor and the only ones defending Thune’s vote are his paid staffers.

Sen. John Thune’s communication director, Andrea Fouberg, claims the letter from Will Bennett in the Oct. 21 Argus Leader was full of misinformation and inaccuracies. I believe Fouberg’s letter is the one with misinformation and inaccuracies.

Sen. Al Franken’s amendment would withhold defense contracts from companies such as Halliburton if they restrict employees from taking workplace sexual assault cases to court. Currently, employees of defense contractors who are sexually assaulted can’t sue in court but instead are forced into secret arbitration where chances are good that arbitration will favor the company, not the employee.

I find it incredible that Fouberg contends that the Franken amendment “does nothing more than reward trial lawyers.” I say that Thune’s vote against the amendment does nothing more than reward defense contractors.

I thought it was funny that the defending letter writer was exposed to be a Thune staffer, typical damage control from the Republicants. Still waiting to hear something from the SD MSM on this one. Someone needs to go to Kranz’s desk, wake him up and remind him that he is part of the ‘liberal’ media 🙂

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