
I’m sorry, but Prez Diddy hasn’t done anything to warrant a Nobel Peace Prize. 

I can think of about 100 other more deserving candidates. What a joke. He should give it back. The NPP has now attained the credibility of other meaningless awards like the Grammy and the MTV Award for best music video.

26 thoughts on “Wh…wh… what the FUCK?”
  1. Okay, I found a story. There is ONE positive thing about this, even though I do agree it is a little early in his career. It was no secret the rest of the world didn’t like GW that much and I almost wonder if this is a way to snub him since many world leaders respect Obama.

  2. Link fixed. and fuck that, DL. He hasn’t done shit about world peace other than flap his lips about it. Sure, he’s going to end the war in the middle east and Obama and Ammadinnerjacket are facebook friends, but it’s still a load of political tripe that I’m having a hard time swallowing.

  3. Oh, I agree, many more people are more deserving, I just think this is a ploy by the international community to give the big finger to American conservatives for their 8 years of diplomatic stupidity.

  4. I think Como’s right.
    After a successful eight years in office having accomplished many peace initiatives, I can see him winning. After a year of essentially maintaining the status quo while saying he’s going to change things, not so much.

  5. Wasn’t Bush nominated for the NPP a few years ago?

    I fail to see anything in either of these men’s history to suggest they are deserving of the honor. Nobel prizes should be awarded for efforts and actions – they should not be popularity contests.

  6. I think the Mattoid should do a cover of “Sweet Jane” by The Velvet Underground. I think that would be a good thing.

  7. Angry Guy is correct, especially considering they begin the nominating process in Nov. and close it in February. When he made the final cut he’d been in office all of 11 days and his biggest accomplishment to that point was to tell people not to listen to Rush Limbaugh.

    This prize is a joke, all you need to do is look at the last few recipients: Carter, Gore, Arafat etc. This is a prize that is awarded by Leftists to Leftists, so they obviously see Obama as one of them.

  8. Sy: When he made the final cut he’d been in office all of 11 days

    You do realize the prize is given to the man and not the position right? Their reasoning stemmed more from the things he was saying and his goals – it didn’t matter than he was elected or not.

    Granted I still don’t agree he is deserving of the award, but it doesn’t have anything to do with the time overlap of him being actually sworn into office. People knew he was going to be the President since November (and depending upon who you ask possibly months sooner than that) so I don’t think the nomination deadline of Feb is all that important.

    I will agree that the award generally goes to left leaning individuals however. Then again, that may make sense since left leaning individuals are more likely to promote the concept of peace than those who lean right. The lefties might get trampled on when it comes to war and battle, but damned if they aren’t good when it comes time to hope for peace!

  9. When he made the final cut he’d been in office all of 11 days and his biggest accomplishment to that point was to tell people not to listen to Rush Limbaugh.

    He’s certainly deserving of some sort of award for that.
    Anyone who listens to Rush (Limbaugh) for anything more than entertainment has to be a bit deluded.

  10. When he made the final cut he’d been in office all of 11 days and his biggest accomplishment to that point was to tell people not to listen to Rush Limbaugh.


    Obama stopped the torture.

    It’s that simple: the previous administration sanctioned torture!

    And all the Fox “News” addicts sit night after night lapping up the bile the Hannitys and the Becks and O’Reillys and all the rest spew every night and then during the day they listen to talk radio and get their daily “Limbaughtomies” and think it’s just fine and dandy to torture fellow human beings.

    And one of the first things Obama did after his swearing-in was to stop the torture.

    Those on the “right” have trouble understanding that – and that’s why they can’t get their heads around Obama winning a PEACE prize.

    …and that’s also why no one from the right is expected to WIN a Nobel Peace prize any time soon as well.

  11. “And one of the first things Obama did after his swearing-in was to stop the torture.” – Randy

    You mean the first time he was sworn in or the second ‘real’ time?

  12. Lots of response here. Obama has somehow brought white/black into undefined unity. Perhaps Nobel identified what this nation has been working on for so long and may have finally achieved. Harry Conick noted (in Austalia) how racism is no longer accepted in the US. Now, let’s stop getting involved in other cultures’ conflicts. Especially halfway around the planet.

  13. I heard the story at 2AM and I told my husband the wingers would go nuts and with luck maybe stroke out. So far no joy on that front. But the wingers did not disappoint, Rush, Beck, Hannity,and their buddies have been going bat shit crazy. It is astounding what they have been saying. None of it has been rational criticism, but whenever have any of them been rational? Never. And they won’t be for the next 8 years.

  14. Oh, it’s not just the Right who’s befuddled, Helga:

    “But Lech Walesa, the dissident turned Polish President, who won the Peace Prize in 1983, spoke for many, declaring: “So soon? Too early. He has no contribution so far.”


    “But Bobby Muller, who won the Nobel Prize as co-founder of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, told The Times: “I don’t have the highest regard for the thinking or process of the Nobel committee. Maybe Norway should give it to Sweden so they can more properly handle the Peace Prize along with all the other Nobel prizes.”


    and love the classy “wish you were dead” theme you’ve glommed on to with the likes of NPP winner Betty Williams:

    “Right now, I could kill George (W.) Bush,” she said at the Adam’s Mark Hotel and Conference Center in Dallas, Texas.


  15. But it is only the right wingers who are throwing all manner of crap against the wall. Rush and Beck et al are saying the most obnoxious things. I throw in the 8 years hoping some of them will stroke out.
    Who would have thought George would have made the first 4 years let alone his last 4 years?

  16. Helga, if he lasts 8yrs, I’ll eat your hat. As long as it isn’t a fedora with the feather.

    I have yet to see a viable candidate thrown out who could beat Obama. Remember, the “anyone can beat this guy” approach didn’t work for the dems in 2004 either.

    Who are you gonna run? Palin?


  17. I think Romney is the the 2012 candidate. He is staying in the wings and letting Palin destroy herself.

  18. Romney, no. How about a movie star? Morgan Freeman or Harrison Ford. Maybe Halle Barry or January Jones as VP.

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